Monday, April 7, 2008


a sumhow kind of cool idea struck me.. ashu nak bwat buku!! serioous, crious.. apart frm senior 1st yr punyer inspiration, dis idea came thru my mind mase bace article pasal ibnu khaldun kot, i mean, ulama' sume kan hv done lots of buku, diaorg research and try their best to sebarkan ilmu diaorg to others.. and dpt pahale pon, sape yg gune buku or ilmu kite tuh kan.. nway, ingt nk bwat a book, pasal my batch kat cucms trcinte nie.. 3rd batch:the ups and down.. huhu.. im all excited oledi.. i told my psykik zubeq then zaizul then aliaa bro.. hurm, can't wait to tell elevan and the whole batch bout d idea.. tp si zaizul nie bleh nak make sure dulu pro exm sume org cun.. haiya lu, anti climax laa.. org nk bukukan pengalaman nie.. haiyaa.. nway, on the surface, ingt nak bwat like perception of every block, dr anat smpi lah habes 2nd yr and pro xm nnt.. huhu.. then, thot of having prof hamdan n prof hatta's words and comment pasal batch.. pastuh nak mintak special request ppl like ishanie, baem, zaizul and zubeq menules pasal pengalaman diaorg as a batch in d book.. huhu.. ok tak? so, any ideas and article, sile lah send to me, k.. +) ow yez, der are sum ideas oledi on the tajuk buku, like reflection or oxford:not der yet.. hee.. any suggestions, pliz tell.. muah2.. xox.

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