=) health carnival
my shift wus suppose to be at2 but i went early
but that does not matter sbb iknoe this is my true calling huhuluckily zubeq also going tapi dia mmg pagiptgnyershiftnampaksgtsinab2naktgkmukedia dari pagi smpi ptghaha peace zue
i wus helping around in d morning.. kat BMI nyer station. berat/tinggi kuase 2. my job wus to ukur WC. waist circumferance. =) huhu. sumeh pinggang org jadik mangse kerakusan aku. haha. br tau yg WC ade kaitan dgn BMI-body mass index. hehe.
jelez gle tgk station BP. pandainyer diaorg measure BP. nway, earlier on si DIGI ukur BP aku smpi kebas dia tak ilang2 ok.. hampeh tol. sbr je lah.
maybe tuh pe zue rase kan. haih, tapi takpe sy tetap syg awk zubeq sbb ko lah aku pandai menyelenggare spygmomanometer. hehe. alhamdulillah. tq allah.
penagalaman ini sukar utk dijumpa lg. tq sgt.
kat cni lah jumpe all kinds of ppl.
ade yg friendly. over friendly, cold, byk songeh, menakotkan. mcm2.
it wus a good exposure.
no wonder org yg slalu g volunteer nie pandai gle measure BP la. bla3.
best sgt. nxt time wajib pg k. sume org..esp medic student.
oh well, on dat day, i ate a lot, lost 20 bucks di situ, i bwat WC kat like 200 ppl kot, take history, amek ZUE nyer BP like 3 times i guess and bwat kat out patient
sorang jer and yet im so proud sbb dapat bwat dgn confidentnyer under zue's supervision, then i tlg ainon kat glucose level station tapi x brani lg nak bwat kat patient sbb tak mendapat latihan mencukupi.. BP tuh sbb blaja r gak time CST dgn prof yong. HEHE. ok, out.. best day of my life..with a clear vivid images of kind mussy, adruce si panic ,chia batok cian dia , cool baem, afiq yg bg laluan kat aku for lat patient, nabil ingt name aku-tq shashu-bagus tol, nadd yg ajar aku mcm mane nak letak jarum kat bende cucuk jari tuh, non yg sgt ramah dgn patient, ira-faiz:intim gler, hans exhausted, batik ameer, and etc..
RM 1 charity rulez! long live the kind hearts that believe in helping others..
Saturday, April 26, 2008
luv at first sight
i like that musical theater alrite.. way to go KANVAS!had really one gud laugh as well as a new insight of life. great show.. even i won't feel the satisfying feeling inside and all the harships the crew go thru but trust me, at lest sum how, i understand.. and sure u'll miss the moments kan.. on stage.. =) hee. nway, im not gud in short review of the play cuz i'll end up in details of the story but i'll try my best k..
KANVAS-a story of the colours of life --hatred,ego,wealth and beauty. hav all 4 u may hv and still happiness wud not be defined if only u realized that at the end of the day, u'l not even be staying mortal forever.. becareful of what you wish for bcoz sumtimes life is not like it seems to be. be prepared with the unpredictable future and don't be fooled by colurs of life..
wah. i did it.. ok lah kan for a summary. tak larat nak type one whole story(i wud too if not for the sctl screaming like mad) awesome kanvas!
hans.. i salute!
shaz- very adorable.. u look so cantik in tudung=) both thums up!!!
dendam@mamat- i like! gud vocal! =)
prof latif and prof nasa hv my standing ovation!=)
KANVAS-a story of the colours of life --hatred,ego,wealth and beauty. hav all 4 u may hv and still happiness wud not be defined if only u realized that at the end of the day, u'l not even be staying mortal forever.. becareful of what you wish for bcoz sumtimes life is not like it seems to be. be prepared with the unpredictable future and don't be fooled by colurs of life..
wah. i did it.. ok lah kan for a summary. tak larat nak type one whole story(i wud too if not for the sctl screaming like mad) awesome kanvas!
hans.. i salute!
shaz- very adorable.. u look so cantik in tudung=) both thums up!!!
dendam@mamat- i like! gud vocal! =)
prof latif and prof nasa hv my standing ovation!=)
Friday, April 18, 2008
to ask urself the rite questions
i ask myself. wus i jealous? was i wrong? was i wrong to be right? was i right to be wrong? was i selfish? was i challenged? was i annoyed? was i mad? was i so wring that i can nvr be forgiven? was i a failure to u? do i make u proud? am i worth it? am i insane? wat to i knoe? am i serious enuf? why must i b like dis? what shud i do now?
how should i act?
sumtimes im sorry for not putting myslf in ur shoes..
mak, ur rite.. kasih syg tuh hak masing2.. hak dia lah nak syg sape.. no complaining..
mak, kak janji kak bwat mind map.. kak janji kak usaha lebey 200%.. kak janji kak tak tinggal smayang.. kak janji kak tules ape kak nak bwat.. kak janji..
how should i act?
sumtimes im sorry for not putting myslf in ur shoes..
mak, ur rite.. kasih syg tuh hak masing2.. hak dia lah nak syg sape.. no complaining..
mak, kak janji kak bwat mind map.. kak janji kak usaha lebey 200%.. kak janji kak tak tinggal smayang.. kak janji kak tules ape kak nak bwat.. kak janji..
my money ran out. i did not bother much pon. a blue note and silver coins. sigh. luckily mak came to rescue. tq mak.u made me realized how happiness cn also come frm smll things.. iv been dreaming a lot lately. maybe i wus too bz in dis very bz yet fantastic CVS block.. i wus never helped to be awake on fri morn but yestrdy, i wus so lucky dat i did activate my alarm clock.. around 4.30 and 2 more topics to go.. n luckily also dat hafiz got me inside this peer pal thing where right afte class or during evening, we would happily revise bck wut we had learned n shared wut we know despite who u r, either tutor or tweety.. heh. (oxford's joke..;)) tq nizam for ur time.. tomorrow me n zue will b goin to sha alm.. 4 health carnival.. shaz wus so damn expert in takin BP. juz nw evening i wus humilated kind of, by yong.. sigh. coz i dunno hw to control d turning thing of the mercury which i think wud take me sum time to master. aha, atok.. sure cn teach me.. hurm.. being a doctor.. a noble job.. i will nvr gv up.. despite also being humilated again.. where is the radial artery.. argh. musculoskeletal.. shashu, make it the time to revise,ok.. dun let other unnecessary things deprive u frm succees. life must go on.. =) mr gui, tq so much.. oh, yes, i felt terrible. and der was lots of questions unanswered. despite of my failures and i-dun-care-mood i vow to not let the voice inside my head conquer the inner side of me who always wanted the best of myself and the ppl around me. true. we may hv lots of dilemma. lots of feelings that we should not hurt. but i beg to Allah the almighty to shout loudly at me everytime i doze off and probably got thrown myself into the cliff.. plz god, shout loudly untill i woke up. save me frm dying. i want to be alive yet still.. der were so many things left in my dict of life that i had not done yet.. i want to climb mountains, i want to meet bands, i want to go see 7 wonders of the world. i want to build my mum her dream house on top of the hill wif swimming pools and no one around.. i want to prove to abah dat im worth it. i want to prove to 'them' dat i meant it when i say dat i am the future cardiologist.. now, im in a border line.. one straight half line.. in looking the past and criticizing what i should and should not do, wat i hv miss the important things.. hurm. god, shout loudly pliz, i can't hear u..
Monday, April 14, 2008
mirror mirror on the wall
You Learn as You Grow
The more you date, the clearer the picture you begin to develop of the kind of person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life. Ready for some honesty? It’s an extremely slim chance that the person you date in high school will be the person you’ll eventually marry. The first few people you date will help you establish what you want and don’t want in a lifetime partner.
Instead of dreaming up some perfect forever-mate, learn to be flexible. NO ONE is perfect. You’ll never find the knight in shining armor. We all get broccoli stuck between our teeth, and we all get dirt underneath of our fingernails.
So instead of dreaming about the perfect spouse, why not begin praying for God to help you become everything your future mate will need? Pray for the development of patience. Seek wisdom. Strive to live a life of integrity. Deepen your spiritual roots. Too many teens make the mistake of thinking, When I fall in love with the person I want to marry, I’ll become a better person. NOW is the time to start becoming the better person!
And Then Comes Love
I think most of us have it backward. We seem to think that the person we fall in love with is the person we’ll marry. Though love is an essential ingredient of marriage, the truth is, you may actually fall in and out of love several times before you finally find the person you’ll marry.
How can that happen? Easy. Here’s a scenario that illustrates it perfectly.
Jamie and Eric dated for a whole year. Jamie was head-over-heels in love with him, but Eric was just in deep “like.” He worked the evening shift at Taco Bell and met a new employee who had just moved in from out of state. She and Eric hit it off quickly, and he decided he wanted to date around. Jamie and Eric broke up, and Jamie eventually began dating someone else — Alan.
Alan was crazy about Jamie, but she had just finished her senior year, and her plan was to head off to college. Alan still had one more year of high school left. He felt deeply for Jamie, but she didn’t want to be tied down when she got to school.
Once Jamie arrived at her small Christian college, she met Jeremy in freshman English. They started dating, and it didn’t take Jamie long to fall hard. This guy was terrific! He was everything she wanted in a lifetime partner. But eight months into the relationship, Jeremy’s ex-girlfriend transferred to the same college, and the old flame began to burn again. Jamie and Jeremy broke up, and eventually she began another relationship.
That’s how it works for many people before they finally find the person they want to marry. Though you may not fall in love with several people, the fact is, you could. So the person you’ll marry probably won’t be the one you’re in love with the first few times.
Stepping Stones
You need to tiptoe on several important stepping stones before you make the step from love to marriage. Again, asking yourself some honest questions is the first place to start:
Is this the person God wants me to marry? Although today you may not be able to imagine living without him, if he’s not God’s man for you, you’ll only be miserable in the long run. So make each dating relationship a matter of prayer.
Will I have to make some compromises to marry this person? Yes, we all have to give and take, but look at little deeper. Will you have to relinquish major goals to spend the rest of your life with him? It can be OK to give up your dreams in exchange for other dreams. But make sure you really want to surrender those goals, or you’ll hold it against your partner later in life. Also — make sure it’s God’s will!
Some things should never be compromised. For instance, if the person you’re in love with isn’t a Christian and won’t go to church with you after you’re married, you’ll be giving up the dream of having a husband who is involved in the Lord’s work with you. Even though you’re in love now, it won’t be worth it later. Surrender the relationship to God and trust Him to give you someone else — or allow Him to fulfill you in other ways.
Does this person have my best interests at heart? If he loves you because you enhance his image, his career or his self-esteem, you’re not in love with the right person.
Bottom line: It’s possible to fall in love with the wrong person! Again, you must get back to letting God control your dating relationships. He wants you to be happy and fulfilled even more than YOU do!
Can you trust God to guide you in and out of your dating relationships?
Will you place your faith in His direction, believing He’s big enough to bring just the right person along at just the right time?
I’m single and have never been married. Am I worried? Have I panicked? No.Whenever I meet a new guy, I don’t have to think, How can I get his attention? I wonder if he likes me? Will he ask me out? I can relax in just being myself (friendly, fun, approachable) and trust God to work it out if it’s His will for anything to happen.
But what am I going to do until He does bring the right man into my life? Sit around and think, Why am I not married? No way! I’m having a total blast in life! I’m hopping on a plane about every other weekend, speaking somewhere, creating books and plays, teaching Sunday school, trekking through Third World countries — I’m fulfilled!
Can you find that same source of peace and security until God brings the right man into your life?
I Love Him. He Loves Me. We Feel God Guiding Us Into Marriage.
When God does give the go-ahead for marriage, you’ll know. Yeah, I know. Some of you are wondering if it’s possible for you to miss God’s mate for you.
I like to think of it as a big, exciting treasure hunt. Imagine this, OK? You have a 5-year-old son. (We’ll call him Ryan.) You get up early one Saturday and hide a ton of fun stuff in your big backyard. You’ve hidden some little cars under rocks, candy behind trees, a water gun underneath the swing, and waaay over by the sandbox, buried about 6 inches under the ground, you’ve hidden a bright, shiny treasure box filled with stuff you know he’ll go crazy over.
You’re jazzed. I mean, you can’t wait to wake him up and start him on this fun treasure hunt. Ryan runs outside and begins collecting the gifts you’ve placed in his backyard. You stand on the patio and watch, smiling and gloating in his success at finding the treasures.
An hour has passed and Ryan has found everything except the treasure chest. He knows there’s one more big prize left, so he heads in the direction of the hedge to find it. It’s nowhere near the hedge! You buried it next to the sandbox. Imagine how much you want your son to find that treasure. Would you stand quietly on the patio never saying a word?
NO! If you’re like me, you’re going to give him some pretty clear directions. “Hey, Ry! You’re headed in the wrong direction. Come back this way.” He starts toward the garage. Will you stand silently? I don’t think so. You’re so excited for him to find your gift, you’re going to make it as obvious as you can. “No Ryan. It’s not over there. Head toward the sandbox, OK?”
It works the same with God. He wants you to find His gifts even more than you do! As your loving god, will He stand silently and simply watch you head in the wrong direction? No. He’ll do everything He can to let you know where His treasure is waiting. That’s why daily communication with the Lord is so important. The more time we spend with Him, the clearer His will for our lives becomes.
You’ll probably fall in love with a few treasures before you actually find His treasure created specifically for you. Even though you may think nothing else could be more beautiful, trust Him with the valuables. His lifetime treasure-mate will fulfill you far more than anyone you find on your own.
My prerequisite is, “Can this man and I together do more and be more for God than we can separately?” If not, I shouldn’t even consider marrying him.
Above all, keep god as the very center of your relationships; and, yes, that includes dating, falling in love, breaking up, falling back in love, becoming engaged and eventually getting married.
This article appeared in Brio magazine. Copyright © 1998 Focus on the Family. All rights reserved. International copyright secured.
The more you date, the clearer the picture you begin to develop of the kind of person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life. Ready for some honesty? It’s an extremely slim chance that the person you date in high school will be the person you’ll eventually marry. The first few people you date will help you establish what you want and don’t want in a lifetime partner.
Instead of dreaming up some perfect forever-mate, learn to be flexible. NO ONE is perfect. You’ll never find the knight in shining armor. We all get broccoli stuck between our teeth, and we all get dirt underneath of our fingernails.
So instead of dreaming about the perfect spouse, why not begin praying for God to help you become everything your future mate will need? Pray for the development of patience. Seek wisdom. Strive to live a life of integrity. Deepen your spiritual roots. Too many teens make the mistake of thinking, When I fall in love with the person I want to marry, I’ll become a better person. NOW is the time to start becoming the better person!
And Then Comes Love
I think most of us have it backward. We seem to think that the person we fall in love with is the person we’ll marry. Though love is an essential ingredient of marriage, the truth is, you may actually fall in and out of love several times before you finally find the person you’ll marry.
How can that happen? Easy. Here’s a scenario that illustrates it perfectly.
Jamie and Eric dated for a whole year. Jamie was head-over-heels in love with him, but Eric was just in deep “like.” He worked the evening shift at Taco Bell and met a new employee who had just moved in from out of state. She and Eric hit it off quickly, and he decided he wanted to date around. Jamie and Eric broke up, and Jamie eventually began dating someone else — Alan.
Alan was crazy about Jamie, but she had just finished her senior year, and her plan was to head off to college. Alan still had one more year of high school left. He felt deeply for Jamie, but she didn’t want to be tied down when she got to school.
Once Jamie arrived at her small Christian college, she met Jeremy in freshman English. They started dating, and it didn’t take Jamie long to fall hard. This guy was terrific! He was everything she wanted in a lifetime partner. But eight months into the relationship, Jeremy’s ex-girlfriend transferred to the same college, and the old flame began to burn again. Jamie and Jeremy broke up, and eventually she began another relationship.
That’s how it works for many people before they finally find the person they want to marry. Though you may not fall in love with several people, the fact is, you could. So the person you’ll marry probably won’t be the one you’re in love with the first few times.
Stepping Stones
You need to tiptoe on several important stepping stones before you make the step from love to marriage. Again, asking yourself some honest questions is the first place to start:
Is this the person God wants me to marry? Although today you may not be able to imagine living without him, if he’s not God’s man for you, you’ll only be miserable in the long run. So make each dating relationship a matter of prayer.
Will I have to make some compromises to marry this person? Yes, we all have to give and take, but look at little deeper. Will you have to relinquish major goals to spend the rest of your life with him? It can be OK to give up your dreams in exchange for other dreams. But make sure you really want to surrender those goals, or you’ll hold it against your partner later in life. Also — make sure it’s God’s will!
Some things should never be compromised. For instance, if the person you’re in love with isn’t a Christian and won’t go to church with you after you’re married, you’ll be giving up the dream of having a husband who is involved in the Lord’s work with you. Even though you’re in love now, it won’t be worth it later. Surrender the relationship to God and trust Him to give you someone else — or allow Him to fulfill you in other ways.
Does this person have my best interests at heart? If he loves you because you enhance his image, his career or his self-esteem, you’re not in love with the right person.
Bottom line: It’s possible to fall in love with the wrong person! Again, you must get back to letting God control your dating relationships. He wants you to be happy and fulfilled even more than YOU do!
Can you trust God to guide you in and out of your dating relationships?
Will you place your faith in His direction, believing He’s big enough to bring just the right person along at just the right time?
I’m single and have never been married. Am I worried? Have I panicked? No.Whenever I meet a new guy, I don’t have to think, How can I get his attention? I wonder if he likes me? Will he ask me out? I can relax in just being myself (friendly, fun, approachable) and trust God to work it out if it’s His will for anything to happen.
But what am I going to do until He does bring the right man into my life? Sit around and think, Why am I not married? No way! I’m having a total blast in life! I’m hopping on a plane about every other weekend, speaking somewhere, creating books and plays, teaching Sunday school, trekking through Third World countries — I’m fulfilled!
Can you find that same source of peace and security until God brings the right man into your life?
I Love Him. He Loves Me. We Feel God Guiding Us Into Marriage.
When God does give the go-ahead for marriage, you’ll know. Yeah, I know. Some of you are wondering if it’s possible for you to miss God’s mate for you.
I like to think of it as a big, exciting treasure hunt. Imagine this, OK? You have a 5-year-old son. (We’ll call him Ryan.) You get up early one Saturday and hide a ton of fun stuff in your big backyard. You’ve hidden some little cars under rocks, candy behind trees, a water gun underneath the swing, and waaay over by the sandbox, buried about 6 inches under the ground, you’ve hidden a bright, shiny treasure box filled with stuff you know he’ll go crazy over.
You’re jazzed. I mean, you can’t wait to wake him up and start him on this fun treasure hunt. Ryan runs outside and begins collecting the gifts you’ve placed in his backyard. You stand on the patio and watch, smiling and gloating in his success at finding the treasures.
An hour has passed and Ryan has found everything except the treasure chest. He knows there’s one more big prize left, so he heads in the direction of the hedge to find it. It’s nowhere near the hedge! You buried it next to the sandbox. Imagine how much you want your son to find that treasure. Would you stand quietly on the patio never saying a word?
NO! If you’re like me, you’re going to give him some pretty clear directions. “Hey, Ry! You’re headed in the wrong direction. Come back this way.” He starts toward the garage. Will you stand silently? I don’t think so. You’re so excited for him to find your gift, you’re going to make it as obvious as you can. “No Ryan. It’s not over there. Head toward the sandbox, OK?”
It works the same with God. He wants you to find His gifts even more than you do! As your loving god, will He stand silently and simply watch you head in the wrong direction? No. He’ll do everything He can to let you know where His treasure is waiting. That’s why daily communication with the Lord is so important. The more time we spend with Him, the clearer His will for our lives becomes.
You’ll probably fall in love with a few treasures before you actually find His treasure created specifically for you. Even though you may think nothing else could be more beautiful, trust Him with the valuables. His lifetime treasure-mate will fulfill you far more than anyone you find on your own.
My prerequisite is, “Can this man and I together do more and be more for God than we can separately?” If not, I shouldn’t even consider marrying him.
Above all, keep god as the very center of your relationships; and, yes, that includes dating, falling in love, breaking up, falling back in love, becoming engaged and eventually getting married.
This article appeared in Brio magazine. Copyright © 1998 Focus on the Family. All rights reserved. International copyright secured.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
uia interskool db8 comp
1.i wus not late but jadik quite late sbb ingt kat aikol but damn kat kaed plak. ergh.siot.but it wus very nice comm eng db8 2 org guide aku sampai lobby kaed tuh. mantap.. thanx to aisyah and faieza..dah laa kuantan ppl. kudos. gud,gud.
2. e/one wus der except nana(tdo.sian,pnt), kakarina index pg china tuh lawatan smbil belajar, kak iju, abg syami, en kher, kak jijah, kak ana.. haih.. ramainyer.
3.mule2 dpt sidang last, sidang 42. pastuh tukar jadik 13. scn kuale sel lwn scn jhr. scn kuale sel mng. ridu escort ceq. chomey gle dak nie. kire awal gle sbb x ssbr nak bg comment, toksah dok ghairah lah.. haha. dah laa bleh bisik kat ceq DEB xde kaitan kan? hehe. mmg lah kurang sgt tenage pengajar.. i learn a lot during ramai ppl dulu.. hurm, come to think of it, i thank god for giving me d opportunity of meeting and dpt ilmu dr so much of ppl=)
4. i wus rude to my mum.. when dia nak fetch aku.. i wus shouting like mad.. i wus frustated. cuz she wus not der.
5.anta nana g jusco.esk bdy tj. smoge ko slamat smpi kembali ke uia, shabatku..
6.make up non kat aku.. (down,esk kna bg kat dia blk)
7.pijat x pulang blk pndrv aku
8.izzat look so penat
9.yezaaa, dpt menatap wajah faraa bias kak agun and abg amoss.. =) so adorable..
10. kak aliza and abg shun x berjiwe kanak2 tol.. haih.. wait till u hv ur one..;)
11. abg babad.. tq. ko bwat aku terharu.. (exciting to know new things) sori x bgtau awal2..
12. mumu and marzu bleh x pezen aku..berlalu pg.. aku dh kurus ker? haha.
13. amalina f2 college, u lawa lah, junior i.
14. hakim.. make me proud.. =)
2. e/one wus der except nana(tdo.sian,pnt), kakarina index pg china tuh lawatan smbil belajar, kak iju, abg syami, en kher, kak jijah, kak ana.. haih.. ramainyer.
3.mule2 dpt sidang last, sidang 42. pastuh tukar jadik 13. scn kuale sel lwn scn jhr. scn kuale sel mng. ridu escort ceq. chomey gle dak nie. kire awal gle sbb x ssbr nak bg comment, toksah dok ghairah lah.. haha. dah laa bleh bisik kat ceq DEB xde kaitan kan? hehe. mmg lah kurang sgt tenage pengajar.. i learn a lot during ramai ppl dulu.. hurm, come to think of it, i thank god for giving me d opportunity of meeting and dpt ilmu dr so much of ppl=)
4. i wus rude to my mum.. when dia nak fetch aku.. i wus shouting like mad.. i wus frustated. cuz she wus not der.
5.anta nana g jusco.esk bdy tj. smoge ko slamat smpi kembali ke uia, shabatku..
6.make up non kat aku.. (down,esk kna bg kat dia blk)
7.pijat x pulang blk pndrv aku
8.izzat look so penat
9.yezaaa, dpt menatap wajah faraa bias kak agun and abg amoss.. =) so adorable..
10. kak aliza and abg shun x berjiwe kanak2 tol.. haih.. wait till u hv ur one..;)
11. abg babad.. tq. ko bwat aku terharu.. (exciting to know new things) sori x bgtau awal2..
12. mumu and marzu bleh x pezen aku..berlalu pg.. aku dh kurus ker? haha.
13. amalina f2 college, u lawa lah, junior i.
14. hakim.. make me proud.. =)
Friday, April 11, 2008
"otak dan hati maner lagi berkuasa?"


diddy asked.dlm shout out.and it did caught my attention.
i answered otak at first.
simply sbb literally d brain is d king laa kan.
kalo tak cukup oksigen due to watever clinical reasons then otak x enuf oksigen which then lead to eventually to brain damage all within 2 min so doc and d other health team members i.e nurse, m.a sumeh perlulah segera dlm memberikan perkhidmatan.. setakat ati rosak(ok, leh mati obviously.. but d impact xde lah within 2 min kot..hurm, kna check blk.. xsurer)
nway, im not gonna refer any kalam or buku2 hape ke to kuatkan my facts(mcm poyo jer) but i'll juz talk based on wut i think might b relevant lah kot(pedulik hape aku kalo x relevant pon.. haha)
so, mane lg power?
otak @ hati?
after a 2nd thot, i chose hati..
bak kate opah aku, follow ur heart..
mane ade org ckp follow ur brain.. org juz tanye ko ade otak tak.. which wus to me hillarious coz (hello, mati laakalo xde otak, bod,bod btol)
and dd mention hati n perasaan.. haha. geli hati aku. (see, hati again. otak tak geli pon.hehe)
and of course lah dis 2 relate dgn hati.. mata hati, ustaz cucms panggel. hehe.
ala, lambang love pon gune bentuk heart tau..hiks.
so mata hati vs otak..
otak is the king.x doubt. byk bende dia control. namer pon control centre.
but otak juz tau bende yg kita nak tau laa kan. or yg kita percaya. like aku bodoh. mmg ko bodoh laa walau sbenarnye ko pandai. or i x do dis. mmg sesape pon xleh tlg. smpi lah u believe in urself. tapi hati? tak payah pk pape pon.. for me, ur heart nvr lies. kdg2 kita tak tau ape yg kita rasekan, but for me, bukannye kita tak tau. tapi bwat2 tak tau jer.. avoiding sort of. bak kate actor malaya, jgn tipu diri sendri laa, awak.. sy tau awk ske sy.. haha. see? ur brain believe u. but ur heart still thinks ur lying.. ha, sape lg terror.. hehe.
and bende plg best is bace hati org.. sbb almost 97% tak btol.. well, ppl ade yg can read mind kan mcm heroes tapi mane ade org leh bace hati wey. haha.
u wud thot she is a very nice gurl, him showing u all the light in d world, no way my bestfren gonna backstab me, ala dia kan baek, ala xde nye kna curik sbb dormate aku sume org kaye, dia kan byk duet mestilah xkesah kalo aku pinjam sket, and etc bla3. and zuf, one sweet day ur world come tumbling down..
and in ur mind, why? kenape? keep repeating in ur mind.. u question urself.. again and again.. wus i wrong in menilai si fulan dan si fulan ini? wus i blinded by their promises? wus i stupid so stupid that i fall for their trap?
ala, name pon manusia. even ade otak, tapi tak gunekan.. begitulah jadiknyer..
bile bertuankan nafsu kan.. sejadah pon jadik belacan.. haih.. wut 2 do~
then bila ragu-ragu, like when ur in doubt resah gelisah dunno wut to do, who wud u go after? ur heart obviously afte dh pecah kepale memikirkan dilemma demi dilemma.. ngeh2.. 'nanti jwb hati, itulah cinta..' p.ramlee lagu campak satu batu,nampak bayang2 , awan nanti kata kau kandung air,hape ntah.. (wah, aku ingat.haha) and kite plak pecaye laa jugak hati kite ckp pe tak pon kite seek for pendapat org laen, based on pe yg kite rase.. hehe.
hurm, pe lg, ala, sape lg power nie..
depends lah. dua-dua lengkap melengkapi.. heart transplant org pnh bwat(guna hati khinzir..yuks.xde lah sukses sgt ponk.) tapi brain transplant? haa, sape leh bwat? doc jackal and hyde kot.haha..;)
dah. layan~~~~~
Thursday, April 10, 2008
dari cni ke bintang-bintang..

gaye dah ade dah~ ;)

BAIKONUR, Kazakhstan (AFP) - - South Korea's first astronaut closed in on the International Space Station (ISS) on Wednesday and was "preparing for docking," an official for Russia's Federal Space Centre said
They are gradually getting closer to the International Space Station. They will be docking tomorrow," said Oleg Urusov, spokesman for the space centre at the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
Yi So-Yeon and two Russian cosmonauts blasted off from the cosmodrome on Tuesday for a mission hailed by South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak as the start of the Asian economic giant's "march towards space."
Yi is set to fly back to Earth on April 19 after spending 12 days in space.
swirl of faith--twisted--doom..

i know that she knew how hard life wus back then-its worstly getting preety creepy and nastily wilder now-
i knew that she did not imagine committing suicide just for the glam of it-i knew that she smile so bright that its so crystal clear she cries inside..
-i knew of someone so appearing strong vocally yet so plain weak in confronting deir own pile of fears-i know of an ugly secret that i told an enemy just to help her out with her life..
-i wanted her to know that at least despite being an enemy, she was my friend too-i know she thot of bad things about me but i refuse to bother..
-and i know of these kind, free, sexy spirit who would be very independent of any obstacles coming her way but sumhow along the way she seems to be stumble a lot, again and again, atrracting negative ions that juz won't bulge away and stays untill she exaggerate life so extreme as if this world is as one tiny world that force her to swallow everything and not let her see any light even when she deserve a very bright one..
-i know of her favourite season-winter-where i know she loves to be hug in a cold freezing atmosphere but it sure would hurt her badly if nobody seems to care that she is getting brutally cyanos and horribly dyspnic, wheezing like a sick pig..
a swirl of faith is all left.. for her and her troubled soul.
i know more than enough to say that its fading and dissapearing..
owh, i know she will keep smiling btw-i know-i just knew...
when remembering is not d issue..
ok, 1st of all, im putting myself in d shoes of those ppl yg memberi tapi tak minta dibalas.. helping and loyally stood by sumone's side despite the ups and downs, the rise and fall..
SALUTE to all of u!
it cud almost b ur mom, dad, aunt, friends, whoever..
but wat struck me deep inside wus when i had dis early dinner around 8 eating sushi mushroom fish nyum2 wif mum(dad wus der at sushi octopus but he wus with his mates, discussing bout their latest projects.. watever, he wus der to pay the bill.. bersyukur sudah, thou i wud like to hv a proper decent dinner wif him TOGETHER SIDE BY SIDE after he just came bck home frm merbok but then i astaga myself and remind myself he is working hard to fed me in my 5 damn years of uni as a goddamn medical student so shashu,shut up and dun complain laah..) and she told me dat she had dis discussion with pak lang (whom she manjerly or secret codely call anje) regarding pak long or atok long's family whom appear to be my grandpa's abg kandung. well the story of course resolve around the hot issue in the family rite now which started frm the decision of atok long's 1st son to send him away to old folk's home.. hurm, which wat kind of reason, i dunno.. (wat d hell is he thinking lah).. and my mom told anje dat if it happened to be so tragic and making it appear oledi like a anak derhake-si tanggang's scene, then it wud best for atok long not to have any child at all at the 1st place.. 'ade anak pon tak gune'.. (he got 9 children.. where r u ppl? haih!i post to u all the curse words in d world)
anyway, pak lang replied sweetly, eh, 2 org cukup.. mom: asal lak 2?
anje: ya lah, satu una, satu kak yah.. [me=kak yah, my brother-una. y una? long story, dat wud take me another post to tell..haha]
at d same time,my pak lang wus curious to knoe bout wat my brother's plan for isu kebajikan my mom,bla3.. like, for any hint, wud he be der, when my mom needed him during her old golden time?
anje: kalo kak yah, aku tau.dia excellent.. mak slalu cerita pasal dia, dia bla3.. [wait a minute, nenek wat? dun tell me she told pak lang or whoever ppl she told some more that i do chores, slimut her, urut her kaki, laugh at her jokes, bla3, things yg i dun even remember doing.. it wus very terharu and at the same time funny coz i wus denying it at first that i am like dat.. haha.. did i do dat? sth like dat.. heh~
nway, mak told pak lang dat una despite of being much more concern than i am, esp bile mak saket perot(she got fibroid yg dia xnak bedah and its oledi like 7cm i guess.. and taking on medication that the testimoni said sumbody got cured bile makan ubat harge rm ratus2 tuh.. mak, cepat lah sembuh.. ubat, ya tuhan, mujarabkan lah) had once askeh her sort of questions yg aku pon tak penah terlintas nak tanye bonde tercintes..
mak, nanti kan adik dh ade umah sendri, mak nak dok dgn adik ke, mcm mn?
xpe dik, kita gilir2 lah.. minggu nie mak dok dgn adik, pastu mak balik lah umah..
ske ati kakak lah, dia dtg ke tak nak jenguk mak..
adik tak tanye utk kakak, adik tanye adik..
pulak dah budak nie.. mcm2..
i am very proud of u, una..
and mum, dun worry.. its not that i dun care bile kak tak tanye kan bagaimana di hari tua mu..
i just think that remembering is not the issue here..
no,no.. wat the hell remember?
its a duty dat i'll do happily, mak.. even nauzubillah akak tak sedar diri, una syg.. remind me..
for now, mark my word.. remembering is not the issue here~
like the way i dun remember (owh, i told u i dun remember, mcm mn nak cite.. haih.. =) daa..
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
sabotage? yeah, rite..
KUALA LUMPUR, April 7 (Bernama) Any disciplinary action taken against Umno members found to have sabotaged the party in the March 8 general election must be fair and based on facts and not hearsay, said Umno vice-president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. He said the party needed to gather evidence from the division concerned before the case was brought to the Umno Disciplinary Board for investigation to prove the allegations. Muhyiddin, who also heads the party's Constitution and Regulations Committee, said if proven right, the individual involved would be given the opportunity to show cause before a decision was made. "If there is proof of sabotage against the party, action must be taken as the individual's action had contributed to Umno's loss," he told reporters after launching Malaysia Productivity Corporation at a hotel in Subang Jaya, near here, today. Muhyiddin's comments came after the statement by Prime Minister and Umno president Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi yesterday that he wanted disciplinary action to be taken against party members who sabotaged the Barisan Nasional (BN) in 14 parliamentary and 22 state constituencies in the recent elections. -- MORE MUHYIDDIN-SABOTAGE 2 (LAST) KUALA LUMPUR "We need to be careful so that the actions we will take are fair and wise," he said in referrence to the disciplinary actions that could be taken, including dismissal from the party. Muhyiddin, who is International Trade and Industry Minister, said the process of taking statements against the alleged party must also be fairly and meticulously conducted and in accordance with the party constitution and rules. Asked on what entailed an act of sabotage, he said the matter was still being studied but did not dismiss that it could be linked to dissatisfaction over the choice of candidates in certain constituencies. "Does sabotage mean refusing to campaign for the chosen party candidates? It can also mean campaigning for the opposition. We need to look at the factors." "Although unhappy with the choice of candidates, the party members should have just accepted the top leaders' decisions. This is because the party is more important than the candidates," he said. -- BERNAMA SYZ MFJ MO
one word that comes to my mind when Pak lah nastily claim there was a sabotage during the election...
haha.. shame on u, Pak Lah.. blaming it all over when its u the one who need to mirror urself.. shame, shame..one thumb down!
KUALA LUMPUR, April 7 (Bernama) Any disciplinary action taken against Umno members found to have sabotaged the party in the March 8 general election must be fair and based on facts and not hearsay, said Umno vice-president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. He said the party needed to gather evidence from the division concerned before the case was brought to the Umno Disciplinary Board for investigation to prove the allegations. Muhyiddin, who also heads the party's Constitution and Regulations Committee, said if proven right, the individual involved would be given the opportunity to show cause before a decision was made. "If there is proof of sabotage against the party, action must be taken as the individual's action had contributed to Umno's loss," he told reporters after launching Malaysia Productivity Corporation at a hotel in Subang Jaya, near here, today. Muhyiddin's comments came after the statement by Prime Minister and Umno president Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi yesterday that he wanted disciplinary action to be taken against party members who sabotaged the Barisan Nasional (BN) in 14 parliamentary and 22 state constituencies in the recent elections. -- MORE MUHYIDDIN-SABOTAGE 2 (LAST) KUALA LUMPUR "We need to be careful so that the actions we will take are fair and wise," he said in referrence to the disciplinary actions that could be taken, including dismissal from the party. Muhyiddin, who is International Trade and Industry Minister, said the process of taking statements against the alleged party must also be fairly and meticulously conducted and in accordance with the party constitution and rules. Asked on what entailed an act of sabotage, he said the matter was still being studied but did not dismiss that it could be linked to dissatisfaction over the choice of candidates in certain constituencies. "Does sabotage mean refusing to campaign for the chosen party candidates? It can also mean campaigning for the opposition. We need to look at the factors." "Although unhappy with the choice of candidates, the party members should have just accepted the top leaders' decisions. This is because the party is more important than the candidates," he said. -- BERNAMA SYZ MFJ MO
one word that comes to my mind when Pak lah nastily claim there was a sabotage during the election...
haha.. shame on u, Pak Lah.. blaming it all over when its u the one who need to mirror urself.. shame, shame..one thumb down!
soo-fii, wake up laa dowh..
a shout out to sufiah yusof.. intelligence of urs shud then be a shame, man.. oxford math prodigy turning to be a prostitute? my,my.. wat when wrong? ur dad? is it? ur helpless mum and siblings? ex husband? the whole world?
its funny sumhow we humans dun want to reach for help whenever actually we really need one.. im one of them, x doubt.. what makes me, or you or whoever that concern to my point to not care less about themselves? they knoe its wrong, they knoe they need help but y dun dey ask for it? hurm...
its funny sumhow we humans dun want to reach for help whenever actually we really need one.. im one of them, x doubt.. what makes me, or you or whoever that concern to my point to not care less about themselves? they knoe its wrong, they knoe they need help but y dun dey ask for it? hurm...
end of ...
the so called quiz told me im a drama queen?... sigh.. its getting worse mase respi block i pezen.. byk naa mangse ketidakpuasan hati aku..damn malu syal pk blk.. i even said sori to anas so that he knoes that i am so wrong bck then.. hope dia phm.. hurm.. but at least thru this nitemare that my prayers wus answered gak laa and damn glad to read a book kat kino, i did abeskan half buku tuh and nway, tajuk dia how not to be that gurl.. now i really cn aswer all my doubt and pening2 sume blown away.. when u be that girl, u'l end up with that guy. so dun be that gurl.. kwn je laa dgn sume org.. i hv dis very stupid feelings kdg2 when i met sumone potential to be my bf, i kept like make it so obvious that of course i shhh dem away scr x langsongnyer.. hehe. takpe lah, so-called drama queen dah way too sick wif all of those things dh.. in my mind rite now, lay back and dun fix things too soon, u cn end up to be my friend, my friend's bf, my neighbour's husband.. god, who knows.. chill, shu.. that wus all u hv been needed all dis while=) cheers for a, perhaps and mayb new me.. hopefully~ fingers crossed!!go,go,go,go ashu! =)
a spontaneous date to the not-so-childish petr0sains wif no one else except me and myself;)


create a smile on my face..
a 4 year's dream-accomplished-wif nobody except me-thou it wud be rather melancholic to go to petrosains alone but i juz thot one morning, 'hey, y dun i have one day of my time w/out thinking of other ppl's choice or what so ever and it turned out to b great.. i learnt lots of things that i never knew or i thot i knew but i dun really knew pon sbenarnye.. hee~ fun day it is-end of story-+)
Monday, April 7, 2008
i can't take u to my world.. but i can show dem to u.. ;) hee. geds abesh..
nothing much laa borink monday nie.. esok ingt nak pg petrosains.. ashu jgn lupe bwk matric kad tau.. save rm 1.80 sen.. NGEH2.. i dunno wats wrong wif blogger punyer dates and day kat blog nie .. org write monday, apehal plak sunday lg dia state atas nie.. bongek tol..dunia manekah aku? hee.
nway, TIME mag kat umah nie ade 7 lagi nak di khatam.. ayoyo..br satu.. tuh pon yg ke 17 yg br smpi arinie aku bc.. juz read bout adorable lil miss sunshine co-star abigail breslin. pelik hek name tapi muke cute..hee. and ade gak org like senior editor ghosh name dia yg spent 5 yrs kat iraq, dat wus like lame gler.. cayo' ashu!!
nothing much laa borink monday nie.. esok ingt nak pg petrosains.. ashu jgn lupe bwk matric kad tau.. save rm 1.80 sen.. NGEH2.. i dunno wats wrong wif blogger punyer dates and day kat blog nie .. org write monday, apehal plak sunday lg dia state atas nie.. bongek tol..dunia manekah aku? hee.
nway, TIME mag kat umah nie ade 7 lagi nak di khatam.. ayoyo..br satu.. tuh pon yg ke 17 yg br smpi arinie aku bc.. juz read bout adorable lil miss sunshine co-star abigail breslin. pelik hek name tapi muke cute..hee. and ade gak org like senior editor ghosh name dia yg spent 5 yrs kat iraq, dat wus like lame gler.. cayo' ashu!!
ape dh jd dunia niee..


i am totally piss off..
10 org anak x bleh jaga sorang mak @ abah ke?
busuk btol hati..
i am so ashamed of these ppl that i heard frm my mum dis very morning which happen 2b my own sedare? shoot.. malu siyal dpt darah daging mcm nie.. mak bapak bela korang dari kecik smpi besar, bg mkn pakai, dah keje gaji besar, umah besar, bini besar, anak besar, last2 nak anta sorang2 nye lah mak bapak kite kat dunia nie takde galang ganti nye ke rumah orang2 tua?
kepale hot korang.. xsedar diri btol.. and despite of dis uncontrolbable anger inside of me, and as well d very2 piss off i am, my mum cn still joke around act. she said, tuh laa, dunia nie kite jgn tua sgt.. xde sape nak jage.. haih.. sedikit menyentuh hati di situ.. btol, allah tuh maha tahu.. dia yg ciptakan kita kan.. so dia dah siyap ingatkan dah..ingat 5 sebelum 5..
hidup sebelum mati, muda seblom tua.. sehat seblom saket, lapang seblom sempit, kaya sebelum miskin..
kalo tua2 tapi sehat walafiat, mengalahkan org mude2,takpe lah, lantak korang lah kalo xnak amek tau pon pasal mak abah korang kalo diaorg leh jage diri sendri, tapi nie kan saket, tremor jer memanjang, kencing berak sume kna ade org tlg, diaorg nak smayang lg.. x gune punye anak.. ow yeah, despite of me being so angry here..
i am wondering myself deep down, as i of coz x predict d future,
hargailah mak bapak kite selagi diaorg hidup..
dah goal ke liang lahad, air mata darah skali pun, no use, man..
ingat! 5 sebelum 5..
time can be our friend or our enemy!
the choice is in ur hand~
wassalam... xox! sebarang kesilapan dan terkasar bahase adalah atas kelemahan sy juge sbg seorg manusia dan hambe tuhan.. sekian..
like i can predict the future
damn, its like nearly 4am oledi and my otak is still thinking lah..
tgk frenster nisah tadi.. she looks so young, kulit bersih gitu, better than time kat coll i believe.. and much2 slimmer.. hee..
and wat struck me as i scroll down her happy pics with her twins bro and waba wubi wus dat how unpredictable life is.. nisah wus der till f3 and she bid farewell time f4.. heh,
nway, when i think bck all my failures in life, and the biggest wud b of course myn spm result(no offence, cgp..haha) nway, wat wus past will remain past.. we hv now, n shud i move foward, shud i.. hee.. remembering paaiza's philosophy:
frm the eyes' of the fish in d bowl, we humans lover of the so called nature are juz one pemangse and for us of course lah we hv no harm against that cute lil fish, rite.. so, what we c may be deceiving nway.. ape yg kite nampak tuh tak semestinye ape yg kite nmpak.. get me? hehe..
so, batas iman dan pengalaman je lah jadi taruhan.. marilah menambah ilmu pengetahuan kerna dgn ilmu tuh jugak lah dpt kite perolehi kejayaan di dunia dan akhirat..
allah hu alam..
sekian~ tazkirah pagi.. hehe;)
tgk frenster nisah tadi.. she looks so young, kulit bersih gitu, better than time kat coll i believe.. and much2 slimmer.. hee..
and wat struck me as i scroll down her happy pics with her twins bro and waba wubi wus dat how unpredictable life is.. nisah wus der till f3 and she bid farewell time f4.. heh,
nway, when i think bck all my failures in life, and the biggest wud b of course myn spm result(no offence, cgp..haha) nway, wat wus past will remain past.. we hv now, n shud i move foward, shud i.. hee.. remembering paaiza's philosophy:
frm the eyes' of the fish in d bowl, we humans lover of the so called nature are juz one pemangse and for us of course lah we hv no harm against that cute lil fish, rite.. so, what we c may be deceiving nway.. ape yg kite nampak tuh tak semestinye ape yg kite nmpak.. get me? hehe..
so, batas iman dan pengalaman je lah jadi taruhan.. marilah menambah ilmu pengetahuan kerna dgn ilmu tuh jugak lah dpt kite perolehi kejayaan di dunia dan akhirat..
allah hu alam..
sekian~ tazkirah pagi.. hehe;)



- owh my.my.. thanx elly for reminding of planning my hols.. the last 15 years of school, tak pnh ade plan pon.. i dun plan anything i guess.. maybe takot tak jadi or rather malas and maybe im such a very spontaneous person..kot~ hehe.. nway, alasan belake.. b4 my hols gone to d drain and resulting in 24/7 tdo jer keje plus mkn and tv, lets plan, ok.. bak kate prof thuaibah in her every slides dlm class, fail to plan, plan to fail.. haih.. heavy btol.. nway, in my mind rite now is pesta buku.. rugi oo tak pg bli buku murah2.. ingt nak tanye una lah kalo dia nak pg or dia nak buku ape2 or suro dia pg dgn kwn2 dia je lah ekh.. hehe.. nway, ckp pasal una, vewy proud of my bro.. pg lari 7km jogathon tuh.. and bwat food stall for x-charity yg 2nd yr bwat.. tp bak kate my bro, tak ramai dtg.. haih, sian 2nd yr.. ok, bck to the planning,then nk g petrosains even mcm dak2 tapi y not kn? dkt jer klcc.. bwat malu jer tak jengah lg..ngeh2.. then nak bli paper punyer tray so dat tak nyempah kat meja, leh letak sctl and stuff.. pastuh nak ble ink printer wane itam yg kehabesan.. then nak remind baba about duet hse yg 1 thou tuh.. nk pli topup mxs yg berabad dh tak topup.. hurm, ape lg.. nak maen bowling!!! bli beg baru kat ampng point jer kot.. tgk evolusi kl drift yg dilaporkan dpt 500k on the 1st day of tayangan, so nak tgk r gak pe yg bagus sgt smpi org ramai tgk kan.. huhu.. so nk ajak era,nana or if bhav intersted.. ow yez, of course nak hang out dgn titans gak.. if korang free lah.. then pe lg. shoot! poskad meng!!! x abes bwat lg.. ergh.. pe lg.. ow yeah, neutrogena plus sabun dh habes.. and pencuci toilet!! x bli2 lg.. iksh2.. ow, remind me to jumpe faran afte cuti tau.. amek borang..nk bukak club bowling..ngeh2.. then, softboard mcm paaiza, perfume body shop, bace buku CVS-pe ntah yg prof nasa suro tuh.. insyaallah laa akan bace.. hehe.. ow shoot, bahagi sctl! aku block leader dis time.ok.. iksh2, tak jengah lg portal.. nvd, jap lg afte dis.. of course nak jumpe nenek.. btolkan camera.. ow yeah, pendrive baru!! kat low yatt!!! pe lg ekh nak bwat.. hurm... nnt ade idea nnt ashu bgtau lah.. daa! ow yeah, nak ajar aizat ensem math laa.. heheh.. peace.. daa! owh shoot, MARA! ERGH..esei x siap lg.. ergh...
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