Tuesday, August 24, 2010

patah hati


yup. pening lah. owh, i did not see at all this coming. what? organizing buka puasa in Dr R's house gives me heart break and headache.


long story...
but the moral of the story is, sebagai seorg manusia, u, shahirah could not, n i repeat, could not satisfy i.e puaskan hati each human being that involves watever u r dealing wif. full stop.

yup. i have limitation. saya hamba Allah yg lemah. I accept that whole heartedly.

so, even i feel like jumping to the ocean, but at least, i learnt that in case in the near future, as a doctor, u shall can never satisfy each of the person that u r dealing with, i.e my otais, my bosses, my M.O, my nurses, and above all, my patients.....

i leave it to Allah to be the judge... Ya Allah, help me become a compose and solid person, tidak terinfluence dgn whatever emotions that will be campaksto me, i.e especially anger and remorse of the future super stress ppl that will iA i hope wud not be around me in the wards and in my life in the future, perhaps... ameen.

on the another note, realizing this with Aliah my bro is also interesting to me. i said that psychiatry is easy for me, compared to other posting, especially internal med and she snap back, omg shashu, i felt the other way around! huhu.
our humble conclusion: we complement each other, iA. SO sweet kan kan. hee :)

esok buka puasa at rumah Dr R at 7pm. yeay. InsyaAllah. All 15 ppl, please be der ASAP. thanx.

p/s: batch 2007 will grad in JULY 2012. Ameen. May we prove to our lecturers and the world by large, that products of CUCMS are distinct in a good-good good way... Ameen.

1 comment:

ALIAH said...

bro malu gua hahaha..i mmg sweet :)