tulus mulus tgn ku menules...
1. Bekas kekasih saya adalah :
aizat dan cgp
2. Saya sedang mendengar :
bunyik kipas
3. Mungkin saya patut :
lebih beribadat
4. Saya suka :
5. Sahabat-sahabat baik saya :
otak brilliant semuanyer
6. Saya tak faham :
laki gila bola
7. Saya kehilangan :
saat2 manis menjadi remaje
8. Ramai yang berkata :
sy chomeyy . hahaha
9. Makna nama saya :
yang terkenal
10. Cinta itu adalah :
tidak ter describe kebestannye
11. Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang :
12. Saya akan cuba :
makan lg pasnie
13. Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud :
14. Telefon bimbit saya :
samseng kampong
15. Bila saya terjaga dari tidur :
sy nk g toilet
16. Saya paling meluat apabila
org suro dgr diaorang mengumpat
17. Pesta / Parti adalah :
tempat yg aku peal nk pg
18. Haiwan yang paling comel yang saya pernah temui ialah :
19. Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya ialah :
20. Hari ini :
mak pening kepale
21. Malam ini saya akan:
22. Esok pula saya akan :
cuba jumpe parvin
23. Saya betul-betul inginkan :
24. Ketika anda lihat wajah anda di hadapan cermin pagi ini :
sy senyum
25. Pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan :
26. Makanan Barat atau Jepun :
27. Bilik yang terang atau gelap :
28. Makanan segera adalah :
29. Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan pada seseorang?
mak dah makan.dah bg dah kat bilik dia..
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
nothing to say..
tulus mulus tgn ku menules...
1)What color do you think of when I say...
= purple
= entah
2)Would you rather be named...
Andrea or Aimee?
= wat d
Emily or Erica?
= sensitive part erica.. haha
Kelsey or Casey?
= casey
Madeleine or Marina?
Alec or Aaron?
Ryan or Ross?
=ross mcm kaak ros lah plak
Dylan or Daniel?
= diana danielle?
Jack or Jordan?
Gabriel or Gavin?
3) How often do you...
Brush your teeth?
=2 times a day
Eat breakfast?
=once a day lah. apekah..
Check your email?
=bile online..
Go to the mall?
= slalu lah gaks
Go to the beach?
=ko bawak aku pg aar, ko x bwk pehal aku nk g..
Play card games?
= zaman skolah bile prep..
Have at least 20 minute phone calls?
= ya, selalu
Paint your nails?
=x pernah..
Wish you were happier?
4) Did you ever want to be..
A veterinarian?
= tidak
An astronaut?
= mungkin
An artist?
= sambilan, boleh lah. hahaha
A school teacher?
= lecturer jemputan? haha
A housewife?
= when i settle down
A firefighter?
= suka nengok jer
A princess?
= ini aliah musa..
A lawyer?
= tidak..
A doctor?
= sedang menuju.. on my way, on my way.. iA DR SHASHU. ameen.
5) Would you consider yourself..
= sumtimes
= mayb
= when im angry..
=ya tp kalo x da mood,nak ckp sepatah pon aku malas..haha..
= according to anas
= hee
Middle class?
= up lah skett
= mungkin
6) In the next twenty-four hours, will you...
Talk to someone you care about?
= yupp
Go to work?
= define work
Go to school?
= mayb. owh bukit merbah..
Be in a different city?
= erm..entah.
Read a book?
= mungkin lah sgt
Watch a movie?
= dunno
Go to a dentist/orthodontist appointment?
= dah lamer tidaks
Do your laundry?
= tgk lah
Tell someone "I love you" ?
= mak!!!!!!!
7) a)True or False: Family...
I have two brothers or more.
= F
My mom lives with me.
My grandparent(s) live with me.
I have half-siblings.
= ade kot
I am the oldest in my family.
I am an only child.
I have 15 cousins I can name off the top of my head.
= maybb. brape byk sepupu aku entah. agak ramai lah belas2..
The nearest Aunt or Uncle lives less than an hour away from me.
b)True or False: Food...
I am allergic to chocolate.
I like vegetables more than fruit.
= both same like2
I have tried pizza dipped in ranch sauce.
= ranch sauce?
I've never eaten kiwi fruit.
I love junk food.
=not really..x minat sgt..
I love to try new food.
=depends la..kalo nampak sedap,aku mkn..hahah..
Ketchup goes best with fries(chips).
I like fried rice.
=ske! sgt..
I hate sushi.
= nope.
8) How many...
Pairs of shoes do you have?
= byk ler.aku pompuan..
Songs do you have on your music player?
= xde..ade yuna je kot..
Hours of sleep did you get last night?
= 7
Times have you had alcohol?
Books have you read/started reading in the past month?
= severals.. for finals.. :)
Windows in your house/apartment are open?
= closed like prison
Pets do you have?
Kids do you have/want to have?
Minutes does it take to get from your home to school or work?
= 20 min
9) Have you ever...
Spilled a cup of grape juice on the carpet?
= aku nakal time kecik, so mungkin penah
Played spin the bottle?
= kat sri inai dulu
Played Twister?
= tuh makanan kan? hee..
Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to be doing?
= selalu
Walked out of a movie because it was horrible?
= nope
Given the finger to someone on the street?
=x penah
Been so sad/angry that you started laughing?
= sumtimes
Been in a wedding?
= dah lame tak g.. mun! cepatlah november...
Been in a situation where you almost died?
= yes.. i broke down like lame lah gak..thank u allah for making me alive..
10) Misc...
Are you stressing out about anything right now?
= tgh jual mahal.. haha. stress siot.
Do you think before acting or act before thinking?
= act dulu.heh.bahaye sial.
Do you act upon your emotions and instinct, or logic and reasoning?
= x sure..
What are some personality traits you find appealing in a potential partner?
= beriman, polite, berckp bila perlu, think b4 act.. tak membazir.. dgr ape aku bebel tanpe memotong and mengjudge sesuke hati..
How have you changed as a person in the last 5 years?
= revolusi seyh..
If you could do anything you wanted right this moment, what would it be?
= g haji, bungee jumping, tour 7 wonders of the world..
Is there anyone you can totally relax and be yourself around?
= pkck, anas, nie mmg totally. heh~
Did you ever wanted to say something to someone, didn't, and regretted it?
= x sure.. if i did ever regret..
Are you scared about the future?
= nope.bring it on!
1)What color do you think of when I say...
= purple
= entah
2)Would you rather be named...
Andrea or Aimee?
= wat d
Emily or Erica?
= sensitive part erica.. haha
Kelsey or Casey?
= casey
Madeleine or Marina?
Alec or Aaron?
Ryan or Ross?
=ross mcm kaak ros lah plak
Dylan or Daniel?
= diana danielle?
Jack or Jordan?
Gabriel or Gavin?
3) How often do you...
Brush your teeth?
=2 times a day
Eat breakfast?
=once a day lah. apekah..
Check your email?
=bile online..
Go to the mall?
= slalu lah gaks
Go to the beach?
=ko bawak aku pg aar, ko x bwk pehal aku nk g..
Play card games?
= zaman skolah bile prep..
Have at least 20 minute phone calls?
= ya, selalu
Paint your nails?
=x pernah..
Wish you were happier?
4) Did you ever want to be..
A veterinarian?
= tidak
An astronaut?
= mungkin
An artist?
= sambilan, boleh lah. hahaha
A school teacher?
= lecturer jemputan? haha
A housewife?
= when i settle down
A firefighter?
= suka nengok jer
A princess?
= ini aliah musa..
A lawyer?
= tidak..
A doctor?
= sedang menuju.. on my way, on my way.. iA DR SHASHU. ameen.
5) Would you consider yourself..
= sumtimes
= mayb
= when im angry..
=ya tp kalo x da mood,nak ckp sepatah pon aku malas..haha..
= according to anas
= hee
Middle class?
= up lah skett
= mungkin
6) In the next twenty-four hours, will you...
Talk to someone you care about?
= yupp
Go to work?
= define work
Go to school?
= mayb. owh bukit merbah..
Be in a different city?
= erm..entah.
Read a book?
= mungkin lah sgt
Watch a movie?
= dunno
Go to a dentist/orthodontist appointment?
= dah lamer tidaks
Do your laundry?
= tgk lah
Tell someone "I love you" ?
= mak!!!!!!!
7) a)True or False: Family...
I have two brothers or more.
= F
My mom lives with me.
My grandparent(s) live with me.
I have half-siblings.
= ade kot
I am the oldest in my family.
I am an only child.
I have 15 cousins I can name off the top of my head.
= maybb. brape byk sepupu aku entah. agak ramai lah belas2..
The nearest Aunt or Uncle lives less than an hour away from me.
b)True or False: Food...
I am allergic to chocolate.
I like vegetables more than fruit.
= both same like2
I have tried pizza dipped in ranch sauce.
= ranch sauce?
I've never eaten kiwi fruit.
I love junk food.
=not really..x minat sgt..
I love to try new food.
=depends la..kalo nampak sedap,aku mkn..hahah..
Ketchup goes best with fries(chips).
I like fried rice.
=ske! sgt..
I hate sushi.
= nope.
8) How many...
Pairs of shoes do you have?
= byk ler.aku pompuan..
Songs do you have on your music player?
= xde..ade yuna je kot..
Hours of sleep did you get last night?
= 7
Times have you had alcohol?
Books have you read/started reading in the past month?
= severals.. for finals.. :)
Windows in your house/apartment are open?
= closed like prison
Pets do you have?
Kids do you have/want to have?
Minutes does it take to get from your home to school or work?
= 20 min
9) Have you ever...
Spilled a cup of grape juice on the carpet?
= aku nakal time kecik, so mungkin penah
Played spin the bottle?
= kat sri inai dulu
Played Twister?
= tuh makanan kan? hee..
Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to be doing?
= selalu
Walked out of a movie because it was horrible?
= nope
Given the finger to someone on the street?
=x penah
Been so sad/angry that you started laughing?
= sumtimes
Been in a wedding?
= dah lame tak g.. mun! cepatlah november...
Been in a situation where you almost died?
= yes.. i broke down like lame lah gak..thank u allah for making me alive..
10) Misc...
Are you stressing out about anything right now?
= tgh jual mahal.. haha. stress siot.
Do you think before acting or act before thinking?
= act dulu.heh.bahaye sial.
Do you act upon your emotions and instinct, or logic and reasoning?
= x sure..
What are some personality traits you find appealing in a potential partner?
= beriman, polite, berckp bila perlu, think b4 act.. tak membazir.. dgr ape aku bebel tanpe memotong and mengjudge sesuke hati..
How have you changed as a person in the last 5 years?
= revolusi seyh..
If you could do anything you wanted right this moment, what would it be?
= g haji, bungee jumping, tour 7 wonders of the world..
Is there anyone you can totally relax and be yourself around?
= pkck, anas, nie mmg totally. heh~
Did you ever wanted to say something to someone, didn't, and regretted it?
= x sure.. if i did ever regret..
Are you scared about the future?
= nope.bring it on!
it dosent matter, dosent it?
memohon agar dirinya bersatu...
tulus mulus tgn ku menules...
1. Last beverage: sky juice
2. Last phone call: mun, lu dah tempah kad kawen, lom?
3. Last text message: ey, u dh stat blaja ekh?
4. Last song you listened to: ct nurhaliza's in IB :)
5. Last time you cried: thinking of how jahat anas saying dia nk turun kl and takmo bgtau.. (of course its a joke tapi ya laa, kecik ati laa plak. hee)
6. Dated someone twice: have u dated someone once?
7. Been cheated on: mayb
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: ?
9. Lost someone special: define special
10. Been depressed: haha (does dat explain? (: )
11. Been drunk and threw up: daaa...
12. black
13. light pink
14. light purple
15. Made a new friend: entah
16. Fallen out of love: not yet
17. Laughed until you cried: anas!
18. Met someone who changed you: pkck
19. Found out who your true friends were: yes
20. Found out someone was talking about you: back stabbing ker? penah2..
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: woo.. giler?
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: facebook eh.. hurm, like 70% i guess..
23. How many kids do you want to have: 3
24. Do you have any pets: birds. awang namenyer. tapi dah almarhum..
25. Do you want to change your name: i love my name!
26. What did you do for your last birthday: makan cake?
27. What time did you wake up today: 10.. gle lambat!
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: online ler.. haish! cuti nie...
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: clinicals? (owh puleezz)
30. Last time you saw your Mother: one hour ago..
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: nothing! biarlah begini dari begitu atau mcm tuh.. coz akhirnyer, its u. ur left wif u..
32. What are you listening to right now: bunyik kipas? :)
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: cikgu kat britishcouncil dulu..
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: the lembap internet! wat la streamyx!
35. Most visited webpage: facebook (shame shame) and some blogs
36. Whats your real name: Shahirah Shuaib
37. Nicknames: shuu, ashu, shashu, kak yah, kakak, kak, dunia, makcik? :) , mate, guni beras(bapak aku.. biaser lah..) and latest one shash.. cool lah gak. haha..
38. Relationship Status: single lah
39. Zodiac sign: libra
40. Male or female?: f
41. Elementary?: sri inai, sktm 2
42. Middle School?: TKC
43. High school/college?: TKC, matric londang, matric uia, cucms.
44. Hair colour: black
45. Long or short: dah nk long..
46. Height: no idea..
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: mayb
48: What do you like about yourself?: dat most of the time i really couldnt care less
49. Piercings: ears
50. Tattoos: nope
51. Righty or lefty: rite
52. First surgery: in a few months time.. (posting jer.. :))
53. First piercing: zaman kanak-kanak
54. First best friend: nadia najib.. where r u?
55. First sports you joined: i was not born to do/like sports
56. First vacation: singaporee
58. First pair of trainers: sekolah rendah kot
59. Eating: nope
60. Drinking: nope
61. I'm about to: sleep at d sofa
62. Listening to: masih bunyik kipas..
63. Waiting on: kemalasan ku berlalu utk beribadah..
64. Want kids?: hendak..
65. Get Married?: lagi lah hendak..
66. Career?: ER departmnt
67. Lips or eyes: eyes eyes eyes x100
68. Hugs or kisses: can i have both? hehe
69. Shorter or taller: taller
70. Older or Younger: doesnt matter
71. Romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: both
73. Sensitive or loud: loud
74. Hook-up or relationship: both
75. Troublemaker or hesitant: both (i'm horribly indecisive)
76. Kissed a stranger: no
77. Drank hard liquor: no
78. Lost glasses/contacts: yes, bloody idiot specs, where r u!
79. Sex on first date: no
80. Broken someone's heart: mayb
82. Been arrested: no
83. Turned someone down: yes
84. Cried when someone died: yes. ustaz baem.. (alfatihah..)
85. Fallen for a friend?: bila aku bengong.. yes.
86. Yourself: obviously.
87. Miracles: ya.
88. Love at first sight: kdg2.
89. Heaven: yes
90. Santa Claus: apekahh..
91. Kiss on the first date: kalo dia husband aku,leh laa bodo..
92. Angels: yes
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: crush ade lah. hee.
95. Did you sing today?: yes. di IB bersame ct. ;)
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: entah
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: to meet my 17-self. and tell her everything. EVERYTHING.
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?: the day i blanjer a supposedly not suppose to blanjer human being. haih. i surprise myself jugak nway.. heh~
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: sumtimes....
1. Last beverage: sky juice
2. Last phone call: mun, lu dah tempah kad kawen, lom?
3. Last text message: ey, u dh stat blaja ekh?
4. Last song you listened to: ct nurhaliza's in IB :)
5. Last time you cried: thinking of how jahat anas saying dia nk turun kl and takmo bgtau.. (of course its a joke tapi ya laa, kecik ati laa plak. hee)
6. Dated someone twice: have u dated someone once?
7. Been cheated on: mayb
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: ?
9. Lost someone special: define special
10. Been depressed: haha (does dat explain? (: )
11. Been drunk and threw up: daaa...
12. black
13. light pink
14. light purple
15. Made a new friend: entah
16. Fallen out of love: not yet
17. Laughed until you cried: anas!
18. Met someone who changed you: pkck
19. Found out who your true friends were: yes
20. Found out someone was talking about you: back stabbing ker? penah2..
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: woo.. giler?
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: facebook eh.. hurm, like 70% i guess..
23. How many kids do you want to have: 3
24. Do you have any pets: birds. awang namenyer. tapi dah almarhum..
25. Do you want to change your name: i love my name!
26. What did you do for your last birthday: makan cake?
27. What time did you wake up today: 10.. gle lambat!
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: online ler.. haish! cuti nie...
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: clinicals? (owh puleezz)
30. Last time you saw your Mother: one hour ago..
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: nothing! biarlah begini dari begitu atau mcm tuh.. coz akhirnyer, its u. ur left wif u..
32. What are you listening to right now: bunyik kipas? :)
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: cikgu kat britishcouncil dulu..
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: the lembap internet! wat la streamyx!
35. Most visited webpage: facebook (shame shame) and some blogs
36. Whats your real name: Shahirah Shuaib
37. Nicknames: shuu, ashu, shashu, kak yah, kakak, kak, dunia, makcik? :) , mate, guni beras(bapak aku.. biaser lah..) and latest one shash.. cool lah gak. haha..
38. Relationship Status: single lah
39. Zodiac sign: libra
40. Male or female?: f
41. Elementary?: sri inai, sktm 2
42. Middle School?: TKC
43. High school/college?: TKC, matric londang, matric uia, cucms.
44. Hair colour: black
45. Long or short: dah nk long..
46. Height: no idea..
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: mayb
48: What do you like about yourself?: dat most of the time i really couldnt care less
49. Piercings: ears
50. Tattoos: nope
51. Righty or lefty: rite
52. First surgery: in a few months time.. (posting jer.. :))
53. First piercing: zaman kanak-kanak
54. First best friend: nadia najib.. where r u?
55. First sports you joined: i was not born to do/like sports
56. First vacation: singaporee
58. First pair of trainers: sekolah rendah kot
59. Eating: nope
60. Drinking: nope
61. I'm about to: sleep at d sofa
62. Listening to: masih bunyik kipas..
63. Waiting on: kemalasan ku berlalu utk beribadah..
64. Want kids?: hendak..
65. Get Married?: lagi lah hendak..
66. Career?: ER departmnt
67. Lips or eyes: eyes eyes eyes x100
68. Hugs or kisses: can i have both? hehe
69. Shorter or taller: taller
70. Older or Younger: doesnt matter
71. Romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: both
73. Sensitive or loud: loud
74. Hook-up or relationship: both
75. Troublemaker or hesitant: both (i'm horribly indecisive)
76. Kissed a stranger: no
77. Drank hard liquor: no
78. Lost glasses/contacts: yes, bloody idiot specs, where r u!
79. Sex on first date: no
80. Broken someone's heart: mayb
82. Been arrested: no
83. Turned someone down: yes
84. Cried when someone died: yes. ustaz baem.. (alfatihah..)
85. Fallen for a friend?: bila aku bengong.. yes.
86. Yourself: obviously.
87. Miracles: ya.
88. Love at first sight: kdg2.
89. Heaven: yes
90. Santa Claus: apekahh..
91. Kiss on the first date: kalo dia husband aku,leh laa bodo..
92. Angels: yes
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: crush ade lah. hee.
95. Did you sing today?: yes. di IB bersame ct. ;)
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: entah
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: to meet my 17-self. and tell her everything. EVERYTHING.
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?: the day i blanjer a supposedly not suppose to blanjer human being. haih. i surprise myself jugak nway.. heh~
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: sumtimes....
Sunday, June 28, 2009
erti hidup pada yg memberi..
tulus mulus tgn ku menules...
p/s: tersentuh dgn last part heroin nye falsafah hidup.. byk bende dlm hidup nie, yg perlu kita belajar.. lebih2 lagi kpd makna sebuah cinta yg unggul(hanya pada ALLAH).. dan langsung juga mengingtkn aku pada diriku yg sebelah lagi.. hurm.. life must go on, babes.. la ila ha illallah...
p/s: tersentuh dgn last part heroin nye falsafah hidup.. byk bende dlm hidup nie, yg perlu kita belajar.. lebih2 lagi kpd makna sebuah cinta yg unggul(hanya pada ALLAH).. dan langsung juga mengingtkn aku pada diriku yg sebelah lagi.. hurm.. life must go on, babes.. la ila ha illallah...
Saturday, June 27, 2009
org bercakap..
tulus mulus tgn ku menules...
aku: itu suara org berckp ke, tv?
ans: kalau tv, suara org berckp juga lah kan?
aku: (dah start dah, dia nie.. pecah perut aku gelak)
aku: mmg lah, tapi maner samer!
ans: ya lah, suara org berckp..
aku: tapi mcm suara tv!
ans: (suara mcm impress.. ) ya ke?
aku: ya lah! iksh!!
aku: itu suara org berckp ke, tv?
ans: kalau tv, suara org berckp juga lah kan?
aku: (dah start dah, dia nie.. pecah perut aku gelak)
aku: mmg lah, tapi maner samer!
ans: ya lah, suara org berckp..
aku: tapi mcm suara tv!
ans: (suara mcm impress.. ) ya ke?
aku: ya lah! iksh!!
Friday, June 26, 2009
arigato partners in crime!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
now what?
tulus mulus tgn ku menules...
ok, dah habes pro exam..
done wif the weekly assesments..
now what?
rotation 3rd yr clinicals..
starting wif ong..
aliah,nana, zue, apart..
down but predictable..
musti tabah hati..
now what?
holidayying wif unfinished electives..
facebooking like mad..
now what?
siapkan dirimu,shahirah.. its a long way to go frm now......
p/s: rasa nk rebah jer.. allah...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
tulus mulus tgn ku menules...(amik dari abg syatir.. even bukan utk aku (utk debaters UIA) tapi teguran nie mmg perlu utk setiap org yg rase dia terlena dgn status quo dan sebagainyer.. )
Sekarang bukan masa berkabung. Sekarang bukan masa termenung. Bangkitlah dari tidurmu. Kita perlukan REVOLUSI. Revolusi hanya akan berlaku jika anda SEDAR:
1) S - Sikap : Buang semua sikap negatif (malas, menyalahkan orang lain, lambat datang training, kurang membaca, tak mahu terima kekalahan, rasa macam bagus dll.) Pupuk sikap positif (rajin, muhasabah diri sendiri bukan muhasabah hakim, datang awal, banyak membaca, belajar menerima kekalahan, rendah diri dan mahu belajar dll.)
2) E - Energetik : Bersemangat. Ada passion. Mahu buat yang terbaik. Mahu menang. Mahu perbaiki kelemahan. Suka membaca surat khabar dan menonton berita. Boleh membuat kajian dengan banyak dan efektif tanpa merungut. Sanggup datang latihan walaupun sibuk dengan kerja-kerja lain. Tetap datang latihan sebagai sparring walaupun tak masuk team. Nak belajar bukan nak berlagak.
3) D - Disiplin : Pengurusan masa yang baik. Datang awal. Datang setiap hari. Banyak berkorban bukan banyak alasan. Tidak kenal jemu dan penat. Mematuhi arahan jurulatih tanpa prejudis. Menerima segala keputusan jurulatih dan penasihat tanpa rasa tidak puas hati. Membuat segala tugasan yang diberikan dengan bersungguh-sungguh. Menjunjung imej dan nama baik universiti semasa pertandingan.
4) A - Analisis : Cari kelemahan diri, jangan cari salah orang lain. Jangan mudah mencari 'scapegoat' untuk dipersalahkan. Muhasabah setiap latihan dan setiap perlawanan (yang menang atau yang kalah). Cari sebab kenapa kalah dan cari sebab kenapa menang? Cari jalan untuk memperbaiki kelemahan diri bukan cari jalan untuk melarikan diri.
5) R - Redha : Kembali kepada Allah. Ingat, kemenangan bukan datang drpd hakim atau jurulatih, dan semestinya bukan drpd anda. Kemenangan datang drpd Tuhan. Oleh itu, mintalah kemenangan drpd-Nya, mintalah kejayaan drpd-Nya. Sentiasa ingat dan beribadat kpd-Nya barulah permintaan kita dikabulkan. Patuhi perintah-Nya tinggalkan larangan-Nya, Insya-Allah kemenangan akan diberikan kepada kita.
sedar.. bile nak sedar nie, shuuu!
Sekarang bukan masa berkabung. Sekarang bukan masa termenung. Bangkitlah dari tidurmu. Kita perlukan REVOLUSI. Revolusi hanya akan berlaku jika anda SEDAR:
1) S - Sikap : Buang semua sikap negatif (malas, menyalahkan orang lain, lambat datang training, kurang membaca, tak mahu terima kekalahan, rasa macam bagus dll.) Pupuk sikap positif (rajin, muhasabah diri sendiri bukan muhasabah hakim, datang awal, banyak membaca, belajar menerima kekalahan, rendah diri dan mahu belajar dll.)
2) E - Energetik : Bersemangat. Ada passion. Mahu buat yang terbaik. Mahu menang. Mahu perbaiki kelemahan. Suka membaca surat khabar dan menonton berita. Boleh membuat kajian dengan banyak dan efektif tanpa merungut. Sanggup datang latihan walaupun sibuk dengan kerja-kerja lain. Tetap datang latihan sebagai sparring walaupun tak masuk team. Nak belajar bukan nak berlagak.
3) D - Disiplin : Pengurusan masa yang baik. Datang awal. Datang setiap hari. Banyak berkorban bukan banyak alasan. Tidak kenal jemu dan penat. Mematuhi arahan jurulatih tanpa prejudis. Menerima segala keputusan jurulatih dan penasihat tanpa rasa tidak puas hati. Membuat segala tugasan yang diberikan dengan bersungguh-sungguh. Menjunjung imej dan nama baik universiti semasa pertandingan.
4) A - Analisis : Cari kelemahan diri, jangan cari salah orang lain. Jangan mudah mencari 'scapegoat' untuk dipersalahkan. Muhasabah setiap latihan dan setiap perlawanan (yang menang atau yang kalah). Cari sebab kenapa kalah dan cari sebab kenapa menang? Cari jalan untuk memperbaiki kelemahan diri bukan cari jalan untuk melarikan diri.
5) R - Redha : Kembali kepada Allah. Ingat, kemenangan bukan datang drpd hakim atau jurulatih, dan semestinya bukan drpd anda. Kemenangan datang drpd Tuhan. Oleh itu, mintalah kemenangan drpd-Nya, mintalah kejayaan drpd-Nya. Sentiasa ingat dan beribadat kpd-Nya barulah permintaan kita dikabulkan. Patuhi perintah-Nya tinggalkan larangan-Nya, Insya-Allah kemenangan akan diberikan kepada kita.
sedar.. bile nak sedar nie, shuuu!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
very funny!

bagus ar mak (nenek).. mak sorang jer yg perasan kak yah(aku) kat mane dlm gambar nie..
(blur sbb tak pezen pun ade gambar hantar mokhtat g mesir kat airport bwh meja makan.. ) mane2? (carik, tapi mcm xde jer..) xde pun, mun..
(gelak) lah, lu kan tangkap gambar mase nie..
neks + mun :
(gelak terkekeh..)
*sigh.. very funny neks.. very funny..
the daughter's not so famous confession...

of course, i inherited his confidence, his adventurous attitude.. his panas baran and above all, his insight towards the world.. iv done reflections thruout my life wif abah.. like looking to a glass of water, abah thought me that life is not only half empty, it cud be haf full as well.. depends on how u see it, and totally abah gave me his extra eyes.. to see and appreciate things. to be brave. to be brave...
its not that i talk to abah dat often cuz he's alwez busy wif stuffs like meeting, etc.. but then, the moments i had wif him wus the productive ones..
ALLAH, thank you. i have abah. and he's more than enuf dat i can ever wish or ask for....
hpy abah's day!
luv u, babah...
Saturday, June 20, 2009
saturday night palsy!





org laen balik hari khamis lagik.. tak pun hari jumaat..kami pulang hari sabtu!
jummat ade program.. best! bila cinta berbicara ;)
as for aliah, makcik dia dpt ambel stuffs hari sabtu.. so she tag along to bila cinta berbicara..tq bro for wanted to come.. =)
ya allah, cintakanlah aku pada dia yg mencintaiMu..
p/s: hendak yg soleh jer tak cukup utk berdoa pade yg Esa.. have to be more specific.. like penyabar, berharta, etc..
Friday, June 19, 2009
touching.. especially pada saat 4:55 and onwards..
ya ALLAH, tq so much sbb takdirkan aku ada emak.. ada abah..
hari ini saya menyahut cabaran utk drive kereta membelah jalan raya menuju ke majlis makan2 kesyukuran semua org pass pro exam dengan jaya nya..alhamdulillah~
sekalung tahniah kepada cik co pilot 1, 2, 3 and 4..
co pilot 1 : aliah musa
co pilot 2: zubalqiah
co pilot 3: shasha
co pilot 4: isha
1: bro, bagik signal..
xpe bro, ini jalan kita; terus jer..
elok2 bro, setraightt jerr..
tekan minyak lagik, nie bukit nie..
kiri sikit.. (padahal kanan..)
tak nak betulkan seat ke?
2: shashu, seat belt!
eh, eh.. (sambil buat muka cuak bila sikit lagik nak hantok kenderaan lain..)
jauh lagik ke, nie.. iksh, 1o km lagik... (haha. hina gle pilot.. sape lah pilot itu.. ;) )
SHASHU! kajang kiri, kiri.. (cemas)
3: kita taknak ikut diaorang (iffah, maya, etc..) balik umah ke?
ok, jom balik now.. (mcm dia pgg kunci jer, haish.. )
uuu, i takut lori...
4: its ok, ashu.. ur doing fine.. job well done dan etc words of encouragement dari cik isha..
selamat pulang, kita semua..
ingat.. cuti2 juga.. tapi amik lah peluang cuti nie utk mengasah minda jadik lebih hebat.. iA!
it's too soon...needd moooore timme....
kawen? giler pe..
xm? abes dah..
hols? aah kot.. cuz planning mmg tiade di situ.. haih~
Thursday, June 18, 2009
im 22 not yet.
i luv to b me.
i thot iv changed but now And then the spirit juz worn out. i keep forgetting the important things in life, keep holding on to false hopes, keep trying to impress the ppl dat i shud hv said gudbye long ago, and sumhow im tired to smile already..
tired of faith. tired of love. tired of hopes.
its easy for me to fall for sumone..
cuz im not complicated at all..
only things become twisted when i realize that its wrong to be simple..
oh well, matter of definitions, ey? i hv a very broad definitions of life that sumhow i keep forgetting and allow myself to cramp in darkness like nobody cares..
i live for today.. sumtimes trap in the past and sumtimes not at all woorying bout tomorrow..
i dunno y, but my worries r lesser nowdays.. i dun worry much nemore like i used to.. i juz dun gv a damn..
i dunno and i dun care--i said dis to a fren when she asked me about wats the layers of the foot.. and i felt so confident. haha. like im telling the truth without even have to hide that i dunno and yet i dun care..
owh. watever. im a new me everyday=)
revisited describing me in facebook. (i told u, i xde keje... ;) )
i luv to b me.
i thot iv changed but now And then the spirit juz worn out. i keep forgetting the important things in life, keep holding on to false hopes, keep trying to impress the ppl dat i shud hv said gudbye long ago, and sumhow im tired to smile already..
tired of faith. tired of love. tired of hopes.
its easy for me to fall for sumone..
cuz im not complicated at all..
only things become twisted when i realize that its wrong to be simple..
oh well, matter of definitions, ey? i hv a very broad definitions of life that sumhow i keep forgetting and allow myself to cramp in darkness like nobody cares..
i live for today.. sumtimes trap in the past and sumtimes not at all woorying bout tomorrow..
i dunno y, but my worries r lesser nowdays.. i dun worry much nemore like i used to.. i juz dun gv a damn..
i dunno and i dun care--i said dis to a fren when she asked me about wats the layers of the foot.. and i felt so confident. haha. like im telling the truth without even have to hide that i dunno and yet i dun care..
owh. watever. im a new me everyday=)
revisited describing me in facebook. (i told u, i xde keje... ;) )
musim durian.. =)
Have you ever
Been on a plane : Yes
Swam in the ocean : penah
Fallen asleep at school : hobi
Fell off your chair :jatohkan org penah lah
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : penah
Saved e-mails : of coz
What is your room like : kosong
What's right beside you : stuffs
What is the last thing you ate : puan firdous blanjer mee shrimp penang....
Ever had
Chicken pox : dah
Sore throat : penah
Stitches : tadika-ganas gile org tolak aku
Broken nose : Nope
Do you
Believe in love at first sight : tidak lagi
Like picnics: malas.. tapi suke
Who was/were the last person
You danced with : hamidot kot
Last made you smile : dia....
Today did you
Talk to someone you like : no..
Kissed anyone : no
Get sick : recovering batoks...
Talk to an ex : nopes
Miss someone : strangely no one.. mayb mak nel..
Who do you really hate: they..
Is there a person who is on your mind now : no one
Do you like your hand-writing : kdg2
Are your toe nails painted : pehal
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : beqs, alieya
What color shirt are you wearing now : green light2
Are you a friendly person : tgk musim..
Do you have any pets : anas? haha..
Do you sleep with the TV on : errrr...
What are you doing right now : tgh tunggu kwn2 blk dr alaman..
Can you handle the truth : insyaallah
Are you closer to your mother or father : Maks
Do you eat healthy : yes , maybe...
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex : entah....
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to : ALLAH
Are you loud or quiet most of the time : haf-haf?
Are you confident : iA, ya..
5 things I was doing 10 years ago
- crush dgn amirul, g tusyen, lawan ckp cikgu BM yg aku dh lupe nama dia.. , borak2 dgn buddy sambil tunggu bus skolah dia datang, kena bully dgn budak2 6 wawasan.. haih~
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
buat yayasan shuaib&rubiah(name mak abah),
buat hospital yg combine dgn hotel =) ameen,
g haji every year dgn mak abah, sanak saudare sume org lah aku angkut, AMEEENN
g slimming spa.. ngeh2..
menyumbang utk jln dakwah...
5 of my bad habits
- cepat marah2, cepAT benci org, cepat suke org, makanx ingt dunia, dan byk lagiey..
5 places I am living in
- ampang je ler..
im tagging myself. (xde keje nk mampos)
Been on a plane : Yes
Swam in the ocean : penah
Fallen asleep at school : hobi
Fell off your chair :jatohkan org penah lah
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : penah
Saved e-mails : of coz
What is your room like : kosong
What's right beside you : stuffs
What is the last thing you ate : puan firdous blanjer mee shrimp penang....
Ever had
Chicken pox : dah
Sore throat : penah
Stitches : tadika-ganas gile org tolak aku
Broken nose : Nope
Do you
Believe in love at first sight : tidak lagi
Like picnics: malas.. tapi suke
Who was/were the last person
You danced with : hamidot kot
Last made you smile : dia....
Today did you
Talk to someone you like : no..
Kissed anyone : no
Get sick : recovering batoks...
Talk to an ex : nopes
Miss someone : strangely no one.. mayb mak nel..
Who do you really hate: they..
Is there a person who is on your mind now : no one
Do you like your hand-writing : kdg2
Are your toe nails painted : pehal
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : beqs, alieya
What color shirt are you wearing now : green light2
Are you a friendly person : tgk musim..
Do you have any pets : anas? haha..
Do you sleep with the TV on : errrr...
What are you doing right now : tgh tunggu kwn2 blk dr alaman..
Can you handle the truth : insyaallah
Are you closer to your mother or father : Maks
Do you eat healthy : yes , maybe...
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex : entah....
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to : ALLAH
Are you loud or quiet most of the time : haf-haf?
Are you confident : iA, ya..
5 things I was doing 10 years ago
- crush dgn amirul, g tusyen, lawan ckp cikgu BM yg aku dh lupe nama dia.. , borak2 dgn buddy sambil tunggu bus skolah dia datang, kena bully dgn budak2 6 wawasan.. haih~
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
buat yayasan shuaib&rubiah(name mak abah),
buat hospital yg combine dgn hotel =) ameen,
g haji every year dgn mak abah, sanak saudare sume org lah aku angkut, AMEEENN
g slimming spa.. ngeh2..
menyumbang utk jln dakwah...
5 of my bad habits
- cepat marah2, cepAT benci org, cepat suke org, makanx ingt dunia, dan byk lagiey..
5 places I am living in
- ampang je ler..
im tagging myself. (xde keje nk mampos)
post utk midah!
post utk er-er!
post utk nana shasha bibiqs

nana kus, kau lah manusia pelik hyper reflex byk celah gigi a.ka scandals yang mengagumkan.. belajar jer atas bed tapi leh plak masuk.. respect habes..
thank you so much for being strong, nen.. when i look at you, you dun potray pon wat the hell uv been thru and i really admire that.. stay persevere,ok.. doctor shasha bleh punyer cardiologist to be, iA.. =)
AWARD MANUSIA PALING SENGET DI DUNIA JATUH KEPADE ..... ( semua org tahu..) haha..;)
post utk aliah musa!

sy sgt menghargai sisi-sisi kamu yg mulus..
sgt menghargai satu2nye manusia di rumah yg akan 'sape buang sampah harinie'..
aliah yg konon nampak jer fragile tapi dialah antare manusia plg kental aku pernah jumpe..
ingt lagi time psycho markah lekat kat dinding lu.. hehe.. those days...
one big bow for aliah.. she's a butterfly now.. beautiful butterfly..
p/s: we hav a doctor pianist to be ;)
post untuk beqsy!

Gadis cantik santun budinya,
Selalu terkejut beruk tak kira masa,
Hidung mancung Arab keturunannya,
Siapa lagi kalau bukan Cik Aliah Musa.
Menjadi buruan “beberapa” jejaka,
Selalu dibuli oleh kami berlima,
Orangnya kecil tak tinggi mana,
Shazana Sharif si empunya nama.
Pergi ke kelas berseri-seri,
Sentiasa busy kalah Perdana Menteri,
Nampak garang tapi malu macam puteri,
Shahirah Shuaib nama diberi.
Kuat makan jangan terpedaya,
Tak pernah gemuk geram dibuatnya,
Geng gossip kami jangan tak percaya,
Tauke burger, Shazreen Zuhaira namanya.
Orangnya lembut keturunan diraja,
Pandai memasak enak rasanya,
Selalu tidur bila-bila masa sahaja.
Engku Hamidah itulah orangnya.
dearest mate@zue@beqs@abeq@beqsy,
kamulah antare org paling dedikasi yg penah sy jumpe... tq utk perkare sweet di atas.. dah lama.. tapi tak terlalu expired utk merase terharu setiap kali membacenye..tq!=)
kepayahan kamu utk deal dgn seorg manusia yg sewel dan berombak2 mood dan sulcusnya seperti shahirah shuaib amat dihargai.. muah2!
xox: shash@mate =)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
kau dan aku
kau dan aku adalah satu tak kira apa
segala rintihan aku engkau selalu ada
biar kata memisah kita
biarkan saja kerana terbiasa
mengejar mimpi
yang pasti akan aku
sentiasa merasa kehilanganmu
ku akan tunggu saat bertemu
tiada henti walau di mana kita berdiri
di dalam dunia ini, biar sampai akhirnya nanti
semua tak terang di mataku
walau warnanya menyala
ingin merasa namun, aku takkan cuba
biar kata memisah kita, biarkan saja
kerana terbiasa
segala rintihan aku engkau selalu ada
biar kata memisah kita
biarkan saja kerana terbiasa
mengejar mimpi
yang pasti akan aku
sentiasa merasa kehilanganmu
ku akan tunggu saat bertemu
tiada henti walau di mana kita berdiri
di dalam dunia ini, biar sampai akhirnya nanti
semua tak terang di mataku
walau warnanya menyala
ingin merasa namun, aku takkan cuba
biar kata memisah kita, biarkan saja
kerana terbiasa
credit to aizat and isma yusof
anas dedicate kat aku..
tenggelam timbul
dah lama aku 'puasa'..
puasa dari YM, dari internet berjam2, dari blog..
itu pun terlepas satu entri sebab (tak tahan nak luahkan jugak rasa dlm jiwa bergelora dilambung ombak) haha.
pro exam telah habis.
ya, habis. mcm tak cayer. biar betul, yang..
ya lah. betul2.. bukan cubaan..
kata2 senior, kata2 hannan n amal, kata2 prof semua kembali berlegar2 dalam kotak pikiran..
"u'll gonna do juz fine.. "
fuhh.. aku sebenarnyer mcm everytime nak give up nangis terguling2 kot.. tapi gagah jugak, tgk muka confident beqs, tgk muka slamber hamidahs, tgk muka cuak isha yg terror (pon still cuak) so aku mcm agak normal lah utk cuak.. hehe, muka nana yg busuk tapi kecil2 tetap cili padi = rujukan seisi rumah dlm ape2 hal yg kejahilan.. hehe.. muka aliah yg stress tapi tibe2 senyum, (hehe. ade gak org senget mcm aku;) ) and muka era yg rileks tapi dlm ati sape jer arr yg tau..
and dgn muka2 inilah sy gagahkan jugak, turun tangga rumah d27b, tangga lagi, dan masuk kunci kerete , kami pergi.....berjuang!!!!
12,15,16,17.. dan esok 18 jun.. announcement result 3rd batch...
so, now what?
insyaALLAH, tiada yg lebih baik dari takdirnya.. tiada yg lebih baik dari ketentuanNYa.. jadikanlah kami org yg bersyukur ya ALLAH, dgn apa jua nikmat dan kurnia yg Kau beri..
p/s: ZA! aku tabik spring ko! mmg actor kesayangan aku ah, afte p.ramlee =)
puasa dari YM, dari internet berjam2, dari blog..
itu pun terlepas satu entri sebab (tak tahan nak luahkan jugak rasa dlm jiwa bergelora dilambung ombak) haha.
pro exam telah habis.
ya, habis. mcm tak cayer. biar betul, yang..
ya lah. betul2.. bukan cubaan..
kata2 senior, kata2 hannan n amal, kata2 prof semua kembali berlegar2 dalam kotak pikiran..
"u'll gonna do juz fine.. "
fuhh.. aku sebenarnyer mcm everytime nak give up nangis terguling2 kot.. tapi gagah jugak, tgk muka confident beqs, tgk muka slamber hamidahs, tgk muka cuak isha yg terror (pon still cuak) so aku mcm agak normal lah utk cuak.. hehe, muka nana yg busuk tapi kecil2 tetap cili padi = rujukan seisi rumah dlm ape2 hal yg kejahilan.. hehe.. muka aliah yg stress tapi tibe2 senyum, (hehe. ade gak org senget mcm aku;) ) and muka era yg rileks tapi dlm ati sape jer arr yg tau..
and dgn muka2 inilah sy gagahkan jugak, turun tangga rumah d27b, tangga lagi, dan masuk kunci kerete , kami pergi.....berjuang!!!!
12,15,16,17.. dan esok 18 jun.. announcement result 3rd batch...
so, now what?
insyaALLAH, tiada yg lebih baik dari takdirnya.. tiada yg lebih baik dari ketentuanNYa.. jadikanlah kami org yg bersyukur ya ALLAH, dgn apa jua nikmat dan kurnia yg Kau beri..
p/s: ZA! aku tabik spring ko! mmg actor kesayangan aku ah, afte p.ramlee =)
Saturday, June 13, 2009
dan dia..
aku minta maaf.
aku mmg betul2 tak tahu..
walau kau tak bgtau..
tapi aku patut dh agak..
yg dia itu denganmu ada apa-apa..
sungguh aku tersentak..
tapi aku ok.. ok giler..
sbb kau dan dia sepadan..
aku dan dia.. langit dengan mantel bumi..
dan aku masih pula mcm boleh berbangga pula dgn diriku..
kerna nurani ini pernah tersentuh oleh seorg yg sebaik dia yg kau lebih dulu kenal..
aku redha..
penuh redha.
ya allah. aku tau aku sape..
kdg2 sampai aku rasa aku tak layak utk byk sgt bende yg kau takdirkan utk aku..
byk sgt nikmat yg kau bg aku tapi aku merungut pulak kepada sikitnya nikmat yg org lain ada yg kau beri tapi aku xdpt..
aku menyesal.
aku insaf....
ya allah.. tq for today.. uv alwez given me a gud instinct..im appreciating life. every second of it..
p/s: sahabat semua 3rd batch.. one down! 3 more to go.. we can do this!! insyaALLAH! PRO EXM, BRING IT ON!
P/S: ya allah, aku takut sungguh aku lupa kau dalam aku takut pada yg selain kau....
aku mmg betul2 tak tahu..
walau kau tak bgtau..
tapi aku patut dh agak..
yg dia itu denganmu ada apa-apa..
sungguh aku tersentak..
tapi aku ok.. ok giler..
sbb kau dan dia sepadan..
aku dan dia.. langit dengan mantel bumi..
dan aku masih pula mcm boleh berbangga pula dgn diriku..
kerna nurani ini pernah tersentuh oleh seorg yg sebaik dia yg kau lebih dulu kenal..
aku redha..
penuh redha.
ya allah. aku tau aku sape..
kdg2 sampai aku rasa aku tak layak utk byk sgt bende yg kau takdirkan utk aku..
byk sgt nikmat yg kau bg aku tapi aku merungut pulak kepada sikitnya nikmat yg org lain ada yg kau beri tapi aku xdpt..
aku menyesal.
aku insaf....
ya allah.. tq for today.. uv alwez given me a gud instinct..im appreciating life. every second of it..
p/s: sahabat semua 3rd batch.. one down! 3 more to go.. we can do this!! insyaALLAH! PRO EXM, BRING IT ON!
P/S: ya allah, aku takut sungguh aku lupa kau dalam aku takut pada yg selain kau....
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