Tuesday, March 17, 2009

farewell yesterday~

  • sometimes i wonder, what have i done that iv been push to a place that im not familiar in.. its kind of shocking, actually. coz the last time i lost a purse is when im standard 1 and mak was there to comfort me. i found it back, anyway. the headmaster found it for me. cool gle pengaruh mak aku. haha.
  • but im a 2nd year MBBS student now.. and i dun feel telling mak, bout it.that i lost my purse yesterday. maybe somewhere near roswell or college. i don't hv a clue at all.
  • the truth is, actually, im kind of rilex about it. even i did lost my whole pocket money for dis wik. i can cry, or rather, should cry. but i just told myself, ini rancangan tuhan. and i let go of my sadness. mesti tuhan tolong bila kita sabar. alhamdulillah, Allah ganti kembali yang hilang, dengan duit YM3 yg ihv not claim frm nana fawzi..=)
  • and yet ironically, frm the first person till the last person that i told my purse was 'vanished', seem to response concernly and standardly, 'where was the last time i last saw/carry/etc..' instead of, do u have any money left wif u? and suddenly, i became moody and sad. because nobody ask. at least one person.. but none.
  • then in the early morning, when i talk to zue bout it, i came to realize that, what ppl had done to me is the way that Allah wanted to tell me, how i was, in the past. i may not take notice of wut i responded to a dear fren who lost her/his wallet/purse but today, it struck me. it hit me...
  • i must hv been the same after all. totally the same, after all.. hurm~

1 comment:

Akmar Anuar said...

shashu bucuk!!
boleh tak survive minggu ni afte purse dah ilang??

hurm...kan elok shashu duk mesia, leh la kite blanje makan sampai shashu dapat duit elaun...

take care tau!!