Monday, July 19, 2010

Funny (that its not Funny...)

funny it is, how life meets us up unexpectedly...
while in the toilet doing some business,
at the beach,
or while waiting for a bus to fetch you home sweet home,
while digging up a hole for your poor fat obese died cat,
or while hanging clothes at the backyard in a hot sunny weather,
while walking to a foodshop or shooping wildly items on sale,
or while chatting with a stranger in a strange land or sitting quietly in a gloomy library,
or when your dad is sick in a supercrazybusy government hospital,
or when you are just sad and moody and bloody,
and it could be when your car broke down, or when its heavily rain like cats and dogs,
or it might be the day you're all brutal and adventurous or goody holly in a tranquil and serena mosque, or when you decided to jog in the park with an iPod stuck like a glue, or when you decided its a bowling day hooray and picnic day owh yeah,

it is funny, how we meet up.
and how we are taken by suprise.

but indeed in Allah's works and plans, there is NO joke!

happening for a purpose
for us to ponder
and think and stir and stir

rethink again

and not only to stare

but to work on it, to appreciate and DO something!

because this whole world is 'funny'

today you're up and tomorrow you're gone~

Yet to Allah, what is worth is your heart and mind connected
purely to serve Him
and to strive your very best
not more, not less...

;) P14, Monday Morning....

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