Sunday, October 3, 2010


saturday was awesome. Alhamdulilah am still alive, came back one piece and never have felt so cool before.

nway, have been keeping this peice in the draft inbox for quite some time. busy sgt ke? not sure, but where did i went n wut did i do n wut did i hear and wut did i say in the Zailies (wif Paeja) and as well as Bel from Kl to BP and bck again last week mmg is like a journey of life itself i guess. To newly wed A and M, u guys mmg sgt suit for each other.
like a perfect jigsaw puzzle.
ana doakan both dpt terima kurang n lebih diri masing2, ok :) insyaAllah.

i need more trips around malaysia and the globe with old buddies, akhwat and families..

and PSY posting is ending. am sad. very very.
but then again, idup perlu diteruskan.

PERLU! ummah is waiting for u, for dem to be saved.... and b4 u save other ppl, save urself first!


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